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Пользовательское соглашение

Я согласен(на) на обработку моих персональных данных

Agree to the processing of my personal data

I hereby, acting on my own free will and in my interest, when posting (entering) my personal data on the Internet site, hereinafter referred to as the Operator) confirm my consent to the processing of my personal data by the Operator in order to offer me services, new services offered by the Operator, for the purpose of conducting surveys, questionnaires, advertising, and marketing research in relation to the services provided by the Operator, including by making direct contacts with me through the means of communication indicated by me on this website.

This right (consent) is granted to take any actions in relation to my personal data that are necessary and desirable to achieve the above goals, including, without limitation, collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, transfer, depersonalization, blocking and destruction of personal data, which means all the data specified by me on this website.I hereby confirm that I am notified that the processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator in any way, including both using automation tools (including software) and without using automation tools (using various material media, including paper media).


Exercise Equipment Service&Repair (EESRTerms of Service- Use of ExerciseEquipmentServiceRepair.com Website

1. Your relationship with EESR

Your use of ExerciseEquipmentServiceRepair.com, (hereafter referred to as " EESR ") products, services, and web sites (hereafter referred to as "Services") is subject to the terms of a legal agreement between you and EESR whose primary business location is 3151 Leewood Terrace, Boca Raton FL33431 USA. This document explains your agreement with EESR. Unless stated otherwise in writing, this is the entire agreement. This agreement is a legally binding agreement between you and EESR in relation to your use of Services. It is important that you review the entire agreement carefully.

2. Accepting the Agreement
In order to use Services, you must agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. You may not use the Services if you do not accept this agreement in its entirety. You can accept this agreement by:

  • Clicking on any link of our web sites.
  • Using any of the Services of our web sites.
  • Booking services on our website

By either of these actions, you understand and agree to our terms and conditions. You may not use the Services if you are not of legal age to enter into a contract, you are not legally able to accept the terms of our agreement, or you reside where local laws do not allow you to legally enter into our agreement. You should print a copy of these terms to save for future reference. You agree to be bound by the English version of these terms. EESR is constantly updating and improving our Services and you understand that our Services may change at any time without notice. As part of this improvement, EESR may choose to cease offering certain portions or all Services at our discretion. You may stop using Services at any time without notifying EESR. Your cessation of use of Services does not relieve you of the obligations under this agreement.

3. Use of Services
Some portion of our services may require registration. If you are required to provide information to use a particular Service, you will keep your information correct and up to date at all times. You agree to use Services only for purposes that are outlined in this agreement. You also agree not to attempt to use Services other than a standard web interface. You agree not to engage in any activity that interferes with or disrupts any of the Services. You agree not to modify, reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, trade, create derivative works, or resell the Services for any purpose unless you have received permission in writing from EESR.

4. Copyright
You understand that all information contained on any EESR web site or any correspondence with EESR including email, letters, etc. is the property of EESR unless stated otherwise. Content, including advertisements, is protected by intellectual property rights which are owned by Treadmill Doctor or our advertisers. You may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, or in any other manner distribute or create derivative works based on our content or that of our advertisers unless you have written permission from the property owner in a separate agreement.

5. Proprietary Rights
You acknowledge and understand that EESR owns all legal right, title, and interest in and to the Services. This includes intellectual property rights, whether the property is registered or not and wherever in the world those rights exist. EESR provides you with a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-assignable license to use the Services. This is solely for the purpose of using the Services as outlined in this agreement.

6. Exclusion of Warranties
You understand and agree that use of Services is at your sole risk and the Services are provided "as-is". EESR does not warrant that:

  • Services will meet your requirements.
  • Use of Services will be uninterrupted, timely, or free from error.
  • Information obtained by you from our Services will be accurate or reliable.
  • Any services by EESR for the repair, assembly, disassembly and maintenance of equipment are provided without warranty.

No advice or information obtained by you from EESR or from our Services will create a warranty. EESR expressly disclaims all warranties, whether expressed or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

7. Limitation of Liability
EESR shall not be liable to you for direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages which may be incurred by you however caused and under any theory of liability. This includes any damages you may receive as a result of transacting with one of our advertisers. You understand that some of our Services are supported by advertising and you agree that EESR may place such advertising on the Services.

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